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North Valley Friends

North Valley Friends


When does North Valley gather for worship?

We have two services, a traditional unprogrammed meeting that meets at 9:30 on Sunday mornings, and a 10:45 programmed service.

Is North Valley affirming?

Yes! NVFC is an affirming meeting. We believe that Jesus loves and calls all people to be part of the community of God, and that we are called to collaborate with God. Our full statement reads “Cultivate a loving community where we recognize that of God in every person;
where we affirm the beauty in our equality and diversity; where Christ invites everyone to belong, however we identify or why we come.”

Is North Valley Christ Centered?

Yes! As Quakers we are non-creedal, and we may not all agree on all the details of dogma, but we are committed to following Jesus faithfully.

Is North Valley affiliated with a Yearly Meeting (larger Quaker organization)?

Currently North Valley is an independent Friends church. We have work to do to discern what larger Friends organization we might join in the future. 

Is the peace trail at North Valley open to the public?

Yes! We have felt called to share our property with the broader community and encourage people to come and walk it.

Can I rent space at North Valley?

Yes! We are privileged to have the gift of a building and want to share that with our community. We host concerts, weddings,  birthdays, quinceañeras, boy scout troops, music lessons, drama productions, and many other events. If you’re interested in renting space please contact the office. (503-538-5340) or